Danish parliament votes to join European Defence Agency

A broad majority in parliament voted in favour of Denmark’s participation in the European Defence Agency (EDA) and the Permanent Structured Cooperation, PESCO, on Thursday, allowing the country to effectively take part in the EU’s Ukraine war efforts.
With its vote in parliament, Denmark can now participate in the agreement on the joint procurement of ammunition for Ukraine, worth €2 billion.
“One of the first things that Denmark can join and participate in will be the voluntary cooperation project under the Defence Agency on the joint purchase of ammunition for Ukraine, which has just been launched,” said Acting Defence Minister Troels Lund Poulsen (Liberal party, Renew Europe) in the Danish parliament.
“The international order is breaking down and democratic values are under pressure. Ukraine continues to need massive support from allies, including ammunition, to resist Russian aggression. Part of the ammunition will have to be provided through coordinated procurement and increased production in the EU.” Poulsen said in a press release.
“It is very positive that we can participate in these important initiatives from the Danish side,” he added.
Denmark can now also request participation in PESCO, the EU’s defence collaboration framework where member states cooperate on defence and development of military technology.
(Charles Szumski | EURACTIV.com)