Slovenia plans extension of electricity, gas price regulation

The government plans to extend the regulation on electricity and gas retail prices for households, small business customers and Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which expires in mid-2023, until the end of the year, with unofficial information indicating price levels will remain the same.
Government officials have indicated on several occasions that price regulation would be extended. Most recently, Economy Minister Matjaž Han said this week that capped prices for SMEs will be extended soon. The Infrastructure Ministry has not been able to confirm a timeline as yet.
The government capped electricity and gas prices for households, small business consumers and some protected consumers for a year from 1 September 2022. It later also limited electricity and gas prices for SMEs, public institutions, utilities, agencies and funds, and for municipalities.
The maximum price per megawatt-hour (MWh) for households and consumption in shared premises is set at €98 for the single daily tariff. For non-household customers with a connection capacity equal to or less than 43 kilowatts (kW), the cap is €124 per MWh for the single tariff.
The gas price cap for protected household users and for distributors of heat for households was set at €73 per MWh and for social service centres, kindergartens, primary schools, health centres and small business customers at €79 per MWh.
The single daily electricity tariff is capped at €195 per MWh for micro companies and SMEs.
(Sebastijan R. Maček |