Murder of journalist Sadykov in Kyiv: suspects worked as security forces in Kazakhstan

The suspects in the murder of Kazakh journalist Aidos Sadykov in Kyiv may have worked in the National Security Committee and the Foreign Intelligence Service of Kazakhstan.
Source: UP publication "Tourists-killers. How the murder of journalist Aidos Sadykov in Kyiv may turn out to be the work of eastern special services"
Details: As reported to UP by the Main Directorate of the National Police in Kyiv, the suspects entered and left Ukraine using their real foreign passports. Meiram Karatayev and Altay Zhakanbayev managed to leave Ukraine on the day of the assassination attempt.
Kazakh journalists found out that both suspects belong or belonged to the country’s security forces.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan officially stated that Karatayev resigned from the internal affairs bodies back in 2019 and is currently not a police officer.
At the same time, the Kazakh editorial office of Radio Liberty checked Karatayev’s mobile phone in the Getcontact application, which records how subscribers register each other in their phones. It turned out that Karatayev was designated as "special forces", "sniper", "sobr" by the application’s users. In several phones, he was registered as "Meiram Aristan", and about 20 people designated him as "Meiram A".
"Aristan" is the old name of a special unit that is part of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan (KNB). Now its name has been shortened to one letter - "A".
Journalists also checked Altay Zhakanbaev in the app. Some users wrote him down as "Altai Syrbar KNB", "Altai KNB", "Altai Syr".
"Syrbar" is the name given to the Foreign Intelligence Service of Kazakhstan, which is part of the KNB structure.
Therefore, based on indirect evidence, the picture looks like this: two KNB officers, one of whom is a sniper, come to Kyiv, kill Aidos Sadykov and return home.
The State Border Service did not answer Ukrainska Pravda whether Karatayev and Zhakanbayev underwent additional verification, citing the fact that such information about individuals is confidential.
A friend of the murdered Sadykov, in a conversation with a UP journalist, rhetorically asks: "Does it turn out that any terrorist organization or any foreign government structure can bring people into Ukraine and kill anyone?"