Tax authority closes stands at Belgrade car expo

The Tax Administration closed down a series of stalls that were selling luxury cars at the Car and Motorcycle Expo in Belgrade on Thursday, citing failure to disclose turnover.
As part of its activities, the Tax Administration closes down stands, including at fairs.
“This facility is temporarily closed due to non-registration of turnover. Registration of turnover is the basis for the proper settlement of tax obligations,” the Tax Administration said in its notice.
“Without taxes, there is no money for pensions, no money for public services (salaries of doctors, professors…), no funds for social programmes to help the most vulnerable and there are no funds for infrastructure development,” it added.
“Businesses that don’t pay taxes get an unfair advantage and represent unfair competition and endanger all those who do business in accordance with the law. Fight the grey economy and always get the bill”, the notice also reads.
The Expo is being held for the 55th time in a row, and local media reported that the most luxurious cars, including a €260,000 Mercedes Maybach, have already been sold.
The Expo hosts 250 exhibitors with 40 premiere models, and most of them are new-generation, hybrid or electric cars.
Serbia is looking to facilitate the use of electric cars in the country as every petrol station and new building in the country will likely soon have to provide drivers with electric chargers, according to a new law on planning and construction that has not yet been adopted.
(Bojana Zimonjić Jelisavac |